2018 Survivor Pool Contest

2018 Survivor Pool

2018 NFL Survivor Contest!


  • Compete against Steven and Steven!
  • The League is starting at week 1.
  • League picks are locked 1 minute before the first game of the week after Thursday Night games. However, you can still pick a winner from Thursday Night Games.
  • Survivors can create maximum 3 entries/picks in this league during the season.
  • Members who do NOT make their pick are set to OUT
  • Survivors who do not make their pick(s) by the deadline will be KNOCKED OUT.
  • The League is not using spread.
  • A team can be picked ONE time by a single pick during the season.
  • A tie counts as LOSS for both teams.
  • Fast Stats and member picks will be displayed AFTER the pick deadline this way you can see what teams everyone else has picked.