After much thought, and during this horrendous period in our lives, it is with mixed emotions that I tell you all that I have decided to hang up the microphone and not record another year of the podcast. It is time to say goodbye to NFL Rants & Raves. What started as a simple blog post in 2005, when the Minnesota Vikings traded away Randy Moss, turned into an incredible 15-year journey. I have had a blast talking football with some great friends. I have enjoyed many NFL events; covering seven International Series games, several NFL Drafts, five Super Bowls, two Pro Bowls, countless NFL games and the opening of four new NFL stadiums. I have had the pleasure of interviewing many celebrities and sports legends, hanging out with amazing people, going aboard a US Naval ship, appearing on TV weekly on Sky Sports News and meeting some incredible life-long friends from around the globe. It has been an amazing time, but now this journey is over. |
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I would like to thank and recognize the amazing and incredible co-hosts that have sat by my side over the years. Nipper Knapp for starting the ride and the stolen bicycle story. Chrissy Weathersby Ball for joining in and bringing her bubbly “spirit”! My brother-in-law, Jeff Ellis, for being the longest “temporary” co-host in recorded history and sharing many travel and video adventures! My wife, Tricia, for jumping in and filling the chair from time to time. Joey Valle, who is still unsure how I talked him into doing a few shows. Jeremy Parker for becoming Executive Producer for a season and providing crazy 49ers segments. And lastly, good buddy Steve Frey, who after a night of drinking with me, spontaneously agreed to step in as my final co-host. And of course, I cannot forget, Lady Edith and her amazing prognosticating skills. You all played a huge part in making the show what it is and I appreciate every one of you. Explore QA automation engineer course that focus on skills in testing methodologies, process improvement, and defect management. Finally, thank you the fans! Thank you for your support. Thank you for listening to my rants and raves. And thank you for staying with me for so long. I will miss many things. But I will miss YOU, the fans, the most! Goodbye. |
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