After weeks of being away, the guys are back to finish off the season with a recap of Super Bowl XLV Recap. The guys share some stories from Dallas, TX including Radio Row fun, late nights and stuff left on the cutting room floor.
Once it is all sorted out, the guys will put up pictures, videos and interviews that they have not put up on the site just yet. The guys talk a little bit about NFL News, as Steven makes the CBA the first non-human entity HWMNBN. So the guys instead talk about some of the franchise tag players. The Eagles place the franchise tag on Michael Vick, ensuring Vick getting about $16 million payday next year, while surprise, surprise, the Chargers make WR Vincent Jackson their franchise player guaranteeing Jackson about $10 to $11 million. The guys also talk about all the options the 400 fans that did not get their seat at the Super Bowl are getting.
Steven and Jeff finish off the season by reliving Super Bowl XLV. Jeff does a Christina Aguilera impression by messing up the National Anthem, while Steven talks about the Mendenhall fumble that sealed the Steelers fate. Steven becomes the “Smartest Man Alive” as the Packers beat the Steelers 31-25 and cannot wait to punish Jeff. Who’s ready for that?
Since you asked, the momentum of the game was obvious when watching the game. Before the fumble I was very scared as a Packer fan that the Steelers were rolling. When that fumble occurred you could feel it shift back to the Pack, I felt the Packers had it wrapped up with that turnover, even with the 2pt conversion I felt the Superbowl was coming to Green Bay.
Not the 4th time, it’s the 13th world championship for the packers, unless your one on those fucking douchebags that like to discredit athletes for their accomplishments just because they played before a certain era. YOU CAN ONLY PLAY WHO YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO PLAY. Don’t discredit the pre superbowl championships, they still count.
Just wanted to say thanks for a great year of Pod-casting guys. My Chocolate lab and I have walked many a mile listening to NFLRNR. Still the best out there. Way to top it off with Adam Sandler also – nice :)
Here’s to no lockout and BMORE winning it all next year.
@ Jon. Take a happy pill chief.
@Jon – Obviously you sound like a Packer fan. Your team has won the super bowl. You have a dynasty QB in the making for years to come. What are you pissed off about again? I’m sure there was a more productive way to voice your concern about NFL recognitions preCURSING (pun intended) the AFL merger.
If Steeler fans have upset you with the “yea but who has more rings” comment, ignore them. The packers have a record that no team can take away from them in that they won the most championships back when the NFL was missing half the league….and black folks. I believe the Steelers didn’t even make the playoffs last year, and the superbowl hangover might put them in a slump where your packers could catch up and reclaim their supreme record without any confusion.
In the meantime, pour some more water in the glass, Mr. my championship record is half empty.
After giving Jon’s point another thought….wouldn’t it be more fair to include any championships won by the AFL and preNFL as nowadays AFC and NFC championships? If not, then I don’t think it’s fair to include either. Otherwise, it makes the record holder’s title too fuzzy if two all-time record contending teams were born of separate leagues with stats that could skew the current outcome.
In conclusion, I think the NFL did it best. Start it all over so that there are no confusion. A.D. (After Douchebags) :) [Jon – the packers were also in the new NFL when the Steelers won those six championships too right?]