Episode 14.06, the NFL Week 4 Show.
Airdate: Tuesday, September 25, 2018
If Week 2 was unpredictable, then we don’t even know what to call Week 3. Is it finally here? PARITY? That’s what the NFL has been preaching and if Week 3 is any indication, then the NFL is in full parity. The Browns WIN!!! Lions defeat Patriots and post 100-yard rusher, Bills spank the Vikings, the Redskins beat the Packers and a partridge in a pear tree.
Steve takes an early 2-0 lead in the Challenge Game thanks to the Cowboys offense reverting to Week 1 status of offensive. Guess there will be NO Cowboys jersey for Lady Edith.
Steven RANTS on all the Roughing the Passer penalties while Steve has a tiny RAVE.
All this Plus our Week 4 picks and bye weeks start this week. HELLO – BYE!