The guys are talking playoffs, baby! On this 10 year anniversary of Jim Morra’s classic playoff rant, the 49ers have clinched a playoff birth for the first time since 2002. The team did so in stunning fashion beating down the St. Louis Rams 26-0. This brought Jeff down memory lane when it was all too common in the 1980’s for his wife’s Niners to beat down this (then) L.A. Rams and reach the playoffs.

The injury update from 4949 Centennial Boulevard is short but powerful, LB Patrick Willis injured his right hamstring vs. the Rams, suffering a grade two strain and he could “miss a little time.” Most likely he will be out this weekend against the Arizona Cardinals.

Coach, Jim Harbaugh believes Frank Gore should be immortalized for his record breaking team rushing accomplishment. “There should be a statue to Frank. Maybe with the new stadium … a life-size statue of him in one of those cool positions he gets in…” Steven wishes Coach would make up his mind about the attention his guys get. Is this statement really coming from the same guy who wants no press attention (sometimes).

Next up is a tough road game playing the Arizona Cardinals. That teams defense has played pretty well lately and took care of a talented Dallas Cowboys team this past weekend. The 49ers must play solid football and not overlook Cardinals. With the New Orleans Saints on the 49ers heels for the #2 seed and the Packers not out of reach the team must keep their focus on the prize set before them.