As much as we enjoy the “Good Ole Boy Segment” on NFL Rants & Raves, we also love to bring you news of NFL Players doing good things in the community. Other news outlets rarely talk about the positive things players do as they would rather focus on the bad things. Well, here’s something positive from a really great NFL player.
One thing we have always known about Drew Brees is that he is a good guy. From his days at Purdue, and his days with the Chargers and even now in New Orleans, we have always said good things about him. Brees recorded a PSA speaking out against bullies. It aired on The Ellen DeGeneres Show this past week. Check it out below.
What happened to the forum? just popped past to see what is happening for London but the forum is gone. I must have logged 20 hours + listening to the shows over the last couple weeks but havnt heard anything about a meet up. Is there anything going on? Thanks