In an episode dedicated to blow hards the guys start with one of the biggest. Hulk Hogan has some choice words for Broncos QB, Tim Tebow. The Hulkster says, “looks like my shadow at high noon, brother! You know, at the end of the day, my arms are bigger than his legs!” The guys contemplate why anyone would give him the air time to take his HGH inflated comments to air and think Tebow looks like a better QB just by such a raving fool talking like this.

Next we have a former Jets QB still won’t shut his big fat pie-hole. An old famous, former Jets QB, who goes and gets all inappropriate when he’s had too much to drink, continues to yap negatively about his old team. Much like when a streaker gets on the field and networks don’t show it to you, we will just mention that it is happening and extend our condolences to the NY Jets for having to deal with this old, over-inflated Ego.

Our last egomaniac is Miami Dolphins WR Brandon Marshall who has made it his goal to get thrown out in 2nd quarter of this weekends game. “My goal is to get thrown out midway through the second quarter. Hopefully, I achieve that. I’m not joking” We want this jack-ass to focus on playing football. Apparently being tied for 3rd in the League in dropped passes is not good enough for this guy. Focus on catching the ball and playing. Perhaps Brandon’s Borderline Personality Disorder is coming out and he needs to get back on his meds.

The guys are getting ready for their annual trip to London. For those who want a very fun hang-out we have an annual get together. Recent year’s have had us at London’s premiere sports bar, Sports Cafe. Just north-west of Picadilly Circus on Saturday, 22 October @ 8 PM until they make us leave, we have a private room booked. Email Jeff at with a first and last name and we’ll get you on the guest list. Once on the list you can jump the queue and tell the doorman you are there for our party and name is on list.