We want football! We want football! However the guys discuss a situation where Logan Mankins and Vincent Jackson may be holding up a new CBA by demanding their free agency.
The League, however, let’s UK fans know that the CBA is close as they step up their effort to sell more tickets to the Wembley game between Chicago and Tampa Bay.
Finally, the guys talk about the article by Mike Pereira and the possibility of the new replay rules lengthening the time of NFL games. Steven thinks we have to wait and see since only scoring plays will be affected.
Jeff, loving the pic of G Thompson behind you :)
Not sure the extending of games by virtue of additional video replays will lead to increased ad sales….you have to be assured you’ll hit the spots if you sell the ads, and if a game has only a couple of scoring plays, you won’t guarantee the ad slots will be there.
Also, it was pointed out that this is already standard practice in the post season, so if that’s the case, I don’t recall it negatively impacting those games.
Not sure about the new replay rules. But it’ll probably be something that we won’t even notice once the season starts.