Back in January ’08, Terrell Owens cried at a post game press conference defending his quarterback Tony Romo. What a difference 16 months make.
T.O., now with the Buffalo Bills, used the popular social networking application, Twitter, to call out his X-quarterback Tony Romo. Below is the exchange T.O. had with one of his fans.
Fan’s tweet to Owens:
@terrellowens81 I am so glad for your reception in Buffalo. I was not happy the Cowboys cut you. LOVE your honesty!
Owen’s response to the fan:
@noelheller neither was i,blame the OC & romo!! but i’m happy 2 b where i am but i miss the other guys that were & r true teammates!!
Now, I spent several seasons defending T.O. and I still think he is a great talent on the field. However, T.O. has a problem. And the problem is the guy can’t shut the [bleep] up. There is a time and a place to say what is on your mind, but T.O. says what is on his mind all of the time, regardless of time and place.
Yes, the Dallas Cowboys made a decision to release him. That was their decision. Was it a good one? Not sure. But one thing is for sure, they will move on without all of the perceived drama, real or imagined, that T.O. brought to the locker room. That’s it, they have moved on.
But not T.O. He has to have the last word. Even when he landed a new job and getting paid more money for it, he had to go and have the last word on something that has been over for a few months now. Unfortunately, his statement is accusing Jason Garrett and Tony Romo of running him out of town, when T.O. himself is the most likely reason he is no longer a Dallas Cowboy. Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and look past the good looking guy with the muscular physique in the reflection to see the problem is starring right back at you!
Oh and by the way T.O., if you are looking for accountability, you still owe me an autographed football and jersey for helping you with your Treo back in the summer of 2004. Been waiting for five years.
I am still waiting.